My name is Milan, I am a Computer Engineering/Applied Computer Science BSc graduate with an interest in electronics. I was inspired to make this blog after watching Adam Savage’s one day builds on the Tested Youtube channel. I figured I do a lot of projects which might be interesting to people. So I should start writing it down, and thus this blog was born.
At the moment I do not have a clear idea what sub-field I want to specialize in. Currently I am interested by a few directions which are Machine Learning, Neural Networks, A.I., server infrastructure, data warehousing, and game design. Because I have such broad interests you can expect a little bit of everything on this blog concerning programming.
A big hobby of mine is 3D printing, because of this you will probably be seeing some 3D models flying by on this blog. Next to that I am also in the progress of developing a SLA printer from the bottom up.
The SLA printer was a project I picked up in order to be able to make my own dungeons and dragons miniatures. And boy do they look magnificent on the battlefield.
I hope you enjoy my blog, be sure to check in regularly for cool projects!